
+34 951 518 244

+34 630 875 543


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M-F: 10:00-21:00 hours

S: 10:00-14:00 hours


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Monterroso Street, 51

P.C.  29680 

Estepona (Spain)

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Thanks to the extensive experience of our traumatologists and the advanced techniques in diagnosis and treatment, our Traumatology service is highly specialized in treating injuries of the locomotor system.

At present, there are many traumatological pathologies that affect our pets causing them lameness and pain. These include:

  • Pathologies of traumatological origin (fractures and dislocations, ligamentous and muscular ruptures, herniated discs and others).
  • Degenerative processes (Arthrosis, Arthritis, Osteochondritis, Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis, muscular atrophy, bone deformities, tumors and others).
  • Pathologies of immature animals (hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, carpal hyperextension, rickets, Panosteitis, hypertrophic osteodystrophy, bone and joint deformities, tarsal hyperextension and others).
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At the Estepona Veterinary Clinic we offer specialized orthopedic consultation, diagnosis of musculoskeletal problems, medical and surgical treatment.

Among the specialized treatments we can find:

  • Fracture resolution by internal and external fixation.
  • Corrective and restorative surgery.
  • Neurosurgery.
  • Medical treatment: pharmacological and chondroprotective.
  • Infiltrations of hyaluronic acid, steroids.
  • Growth factors, PRP, stem cells.

Traumatology and Orthopedia

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Clínica Veterinaria Estepona