
+34 951 518 244

+34 630 875 543


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M-F: 10:00-21:00 hours

S: 10:00-14:00 hours


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Monterroso Street, 51

P.C.  29680 

Estepona (Spain)

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Hospitalization with loving care

Our patient care ward has more than 30m2, it is fully air conditioned, has video surveillance and allows for a variety of different sized patients to feel comfortable. It also has a space reserved exclusively for cats to minimize their stress.

The ward is equipped with oxygen therapy equipment, heating lamps, infusion pumps, and much more, to provide the best veterinary care possible for your beloved family member.

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Hospitalization is justified when conditions require permanent intravenous administration of medications and constant monitoring for any change in condition. Nowadays, hospitalization does not have to be stressful or uncomfortable, which is why we have renovated our patient ward to ensure our patients experience is as peaceful and comfortable as possible. We treat our patients as if they were our own pets which reflects in the high quality and loving care we give them.

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Furthermore, our hospital is equipped with an examination table and all materials needed for small procedures, which is crucial to avoid transfer of diseases from or to other departments.

Each enclosure is constructed using germ-resistant materials and designed in such a way that it allows for immaculate cleaning and disinfection.

Our bio-security protocols enable us to avoid direct or indirect contact between infectious and non-infectious patients.

Clínica Veterinaria Estepona