Publicado: 31-07-19
According to a study published in the specialized magazine CES and realized by the veterinary and zootechnical doctors, María González Domínguez and Liliana Bernal (2011), obesity affects 25% of dogs. The most affected dog breeds are: Labrador, Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound and Beagle. In the case of cats, the obesity reaches to 40%.
Bikini mode in august
Controlling the weight of your pet is one the most demonstrative forms of love. Obesity is a nutritional disease that can cause diabetes, joint diseases, respiratory problems, hormonal disorders, hypertension and other serious pathologies that lead to poor quality of life in dogs and cats and can cause their death.
Like in humans, obesity is originated from different causes, some relationed with genetic aspects and other with eating too high energy food respect to caloric burn through exercise, sedentary habits, anxiety, overfeeding, diets not conditioned to the age, size and weight and castrations not accompanied of nutritional balance and sports practice.
The animals with major weight to 20% of ideal weight have obesity and those that are between 10 and 19% above have overweight (Bulkholder and Toll, 2000) and they need a nutritional control.
Our promotion
In Clínica Veterinaria Estepona we want to help combating obesity and to use the summer as excuse we continue with the Bikini Operation.
This August we are on PROMOTION with the initiative GO TO THE SCALE!
Come by the clinic, weigh your animal and get a specialized consultation on food and weight problems for FREE! And we will give you a sample of our Hills Metabolic food also for FREE!
The promotion is available until 31th august, 2019.
You can reserve date throught our telephones: 951 518 244 o 630 875 543
Hill's Metabolic
This food has been clinically tested in weight loss programs for cats and dogs with around 96% of success.
Its provides high quality proteins with healthy ingredients as chicken, pea bran flour, dried tomato, coconut oil, flaxseed and others.
You can discover some nutritional tips for your pet here.